Where a muscle is gently stretched and held in the stretched position for 10-30 seconds. This is generally considered the safest method of stretching.

Correct Warm-Up Exercises:
- Stretch the muscle you will be exercising. (Any stretching is best performed after your muscles are warm). Wear warm clothing while stretching. Static stretching is recommended.
- Concentrate on slowly manipulating and stretching the muscles to be used.
- Practice your breathing while stretching.
- Relax your body during the warm-up and stretching period.
Fainting, dizziness, injury, pulled muscles, excessive soreness… you forgot to Cool-Down
The most important action to take “after completing your exercises” is cooling down, to successfully avoid the muscles from cramping up, muscle soreness, and injury. Cooling down helps:
- your heart rate and breathing to return towards resting levels gradually.
- avoid fainting or dizziness, which can result from blood pooling in the large muscles of the legs when vigorous activity is stopped suddenly.
- to remove waste products from your muscles, such as lactic acid, and keeps oxygen flow to them to help them recover.
Lactic Acid can build up during vigorous activity (lactic acid is most effectively removed by gentle exercise rather than stopping suddenly) and its removal shortly after activity helps prepare your muscles for the next exercise session, whether it’s the next day or in a few days’ time.

Correctly cooling down after exercising will allow your body to perform at peak performance without pulling muscles or causing injury. Some negative effects of not cooling down after exercising are as follows:
Dangers Of Improper Cool-Downs:
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Lactic Acid build up
- Excessive muscle soreness
- Pulled muscles
- Injury
Correct Cool-Downs:
- The optimal time to stretch is during the cool-down period as at this time your muscles are still warm. Stretching helps to relax your muscles and restore them to their resting length and improve flexibility (the range of movement about your joints).
- Stretch all muscle groups used during your exercise period.
- Low intensity exercises for about 5 minutes with slow deep proper breathing.
- Hydrate your body
If you have a massage machine or handheld massage device, this is the time to use it on the muscle group you exercised.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer