Warming up, cardiovascular activity, strength training, stress training, nutrition, supplementation, relaxation, mental fitness, proper breathing, and proper cool down are some of the key elements of our successful and rational F.I.T.S.™ Program.

So you might ask, if I’m already doing all of that what is the difference between the F.I.T.™ program and what I’m doing. Most of all that is needed in a fitness program you are probably already doing, now you just have to do it right. So if it doesn’t F.I.T. ™, don’t do it.
Following the correct nutrition and training program, you won’t want as much and you won’t want the same, but you’ll still want, and you’ll get what you want, which is the key to staying satisfied.
For all of those that refuse to give up anything that they eat in their diet, all I have to say is through the F.I.T.™ program they will not have to give up anything they will want to eat. You will just want to eat differently when your body is oxygenated correctly and has experienced the right “core” movements.
You will be the sole control of your nutrition. Your taste, your wants, your cravings, however, your intake will change. You won’t want as much and you won’t want the same, but you’ll still want and you’ll get what you want which is the key to staying satisfied.

You will learn in the F.I.T. ™ Fitness Program how certain muscles control other muscles, and how certain movements maximize growth and definition. As we get older an interesting phenomenon occurs. As children, we instinctively have multi-lateral movement, but as we become adults, most of our movements become unilateral, diminishing the use of, and eventually atrophying certain muscles that are essential in our body’s movement and development.
In the F.I.T.™ Fitness Program you will learn how to activate your multi-lateral movements as a child does to regain the flexibility and strength of those muscles currently underused, or not used at all and starved from lack of proper blood flow.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer