Concentration and grip are the two facets of working out that most people remain oblivious of how to perform their use or even know that they actually make a difference in workouts. The telling tale is how most people either watch TV, read a book or spend time socializing while performing their exercises.

- CONCENTRATION: The power that fuels any activity with maximum results
- Focus on your exercise; you can always socialize after you are done.
- Eliminate any distraction around you while performing your fitness session.
- Relax your body for the exception of the muscle you are about to exercise.
- Tighten your core.
- Affix your eyes on the muscle to be exercised.
- Breathe correctly.
- Let your breathing dictate your speed.
- Keep the same speed when exerting as when you are releasing the repetition.

- GRIP: The controlling factor that signals to the body how stress will be exerted.
- Use a soft but firm grip.
- Release your thumb from over the dumbbell bar putting the thumb and all fingers on one side of the bar.
- Keep the weight even balanced at all times.
- Keep your wrist stiff throughout the complete set.
- Allow the dumbbells to find its natural angle while lifting.
- Avoid using straight bars unless they are “EZ” curl bars.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer