Unrealistic Expectations On Weight Loss

Unrealistic Expectations On Weight Loss

  • We are under the unrealistic impression that after 20-30 years of being overweight we should lose that weight in one or two months.
  • We confuse weight loss with maintaining our optimal weight.  The one win is when you lose the weight, the real accomplishment is keeping it off.
  • Losing weight is the shape you need to get on the starting line of a long-distance race.  Keeping it off is the actual race.
Unrealistic Expectations On Weight Loss
Unrealistic Expectations On Weight Loss
  • We unrealistically think that once we are at our optimal weight, we’ll never be tired, never get sick and we’ll be automatically stronger, faster, sharper, etc.   Those are all separate issues that one needs to deal with.  Reaching optimal weight will just give you the ability to carry a healthier lifestyle, a better quality of life and the strength and determination to achieve being faster, stronger, sharper, etc.
  • Optimal health is a lifetime commitment.  It is the unfortunate structure of food growing, processing, packaging and distribution of today’s foods that makes that commitment so much harder than it should be.

Always read ingredient labelseat only food…listen to your body…question your mind.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer