How Do You Strengthen Your Knees?

How Do You Strengthen Your Knees?
How Do You Strengthen Your Knees?

To be able to strengthen your knees you need to strengthen the supporting muscles around the knees, like your quads. Also strengthening the rest of your leg, like the hamstrings and calves will also aid in relieving pressure from your knees.

o be able to strengthen your knees you need to strengthen the supporting muscles around the knees
You need to strengthen the supporting muscles

Some of the exercises that are beneficial to strengthen muscles around the knee are:

* Half squats

* Wall sits

* Wall squats

* Hamstring curls

* Straight leg raises

* Prone leg raises

* Calf raises

* Heel and calf stretch

* Quad stretch

* Hamstring stretch

Additionally is a good idea to perform low impact exercises such as:

* Yoga

* Tai Chi

* Elliptical machine

* Swimming

* Stationary cycling

* Water aerobics

* Walking

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