Breathe in through your nose when your arm is bent upwards and slowly release the air through your mouth as your arm straightens down. You should have expelled all the air out when your arm is fully extended. Breathe in through your nose as you lower your arm.

BENEFITS: Larger/Firmer Triceps – REPS: One Minute (Cardiomuscular™ system).
- Adjust a Resistance Band so it is securely fastened on top of a doorway.
- Face the Resistance Band holding it with an overhead grip. Legs spread shoulder width.
- With an overhead grip and your thumb on the inside of the grip with the other fingers.
- Pull the handle down next to your leg until your arm is perfectly straight. This is your starting position.
- Keeping your elbows completely steady, bend your forearms till your forearms squeeze against your biceps.
- Without moving your elbows straighten your forearms back. Squeeze your triceps by pressing hard against your thumb.
- Do not swing the weight or elevate your shoulders while performing this exercise.
POSSIBLE DAMAGE FROM INCORRECT LIFTING: Damage to the rotator cuff, elbow pain, neck pain and ligament and tendon damage.

The key element here is to avoid injury at all cost. Some of the pitfalls that take place causing undue stress, as well as injury is the speed in which we release the weight and not necessarily when we make the exertion. The complete repetition must be done at the exact same speed when we are exerting to lift the weight, as when we are releasing it, to avoid velocity to put hundreds of pounds of pressure on the joints, ligaments, and tendons of that particular body part. Additionally the grip should be firm but not tight to avoid any nerve damage in the hands. Once those items are mastered the correct breathing will help muscle growth and focus and concentration will allow you to put the most effort into the particular muscle that you’re working out. Above all do not sacrifice form for weigh or repetitions… never sacrifice form.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer