Obviously, incorrect exercise will give you back incorrect results it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, however it takes someone paying attention when you’ve been working out for several years and you have gotten little or no improvement at all.

You get back whatever you put into things, so if you beat up your body in your workouts, if you work out for extensive periods of time, lift heavy weights with incorrect form, breath incorrectly because you don’t think breathing matters (by the way breathing doesn’t matter only to the dead), how can you possibly expect anything good in return? You can expect… you just won’t get it.
Working out on every part of the body in every work out for the everyday person, is like driving your car pressing on the accelerator, with the brake on, the lights flashing, your windows going up and down, your trunk flapping, and the hood of the car going up and down. Now that is not the way we want to travel through life.
Working out correctly foe 15 minutes with light weights, will give you the freedom to do something else besides spending all that time unnecessarily in the gym.

The fact that working out has benefits becomes a fallacy if one works out several hours a day or works out every day whether the body needs it or not. Just as negative an idea in fitness is doing something that is impossible for your body to handle, or something that is dangerous, or something that will cause you present or deferred injury.
Heavy lifting, long workouts, “no pain-no gain,” “it is better to wear out than to rust out,” “If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger,” etc. are mental, egotistical, and incorrect notions of what is the reality of fitness. The F.I.T. ™ Fitness Program does not encompass any of that. The F.I.T. Fitness Program will give you maximum results in 15 minutes or less and it will bring you better results, better definition, better weight loss, and better success than any other work out that lasts two to three hours a day. It will give you longevity, you’ll stay healthier looking better longer and it will give you the freedom to do something else besides spending all that time unnecessarily in the gym.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer