The Body And Quality Of Life

The Body And Quality Of Life
The Body And Quality Of Life

The body starts its path of decay the moment we take our first breath…

The question is: What quality of life will you choose to have for the first 100 years? When we are young, we don’t recognize harmful physical actions, such as lifting too much weight, doing too much cardio, or eating too much.  This is because a young body will handle the hard impacts of our bad behavior so much better in our youth…until the body breaks down.

The Body And Quality Of Life
The Body And Quality Of Life

I’m sure you have heard many people say that they started on a healthier program of eating and exercise after their stroke, or heart attack, or losing a toe to diabetes, etc.  Unfortunately the percentage of those that take positive action after a traumatic event are very few.

The comments “I could eat that much when I was young, now I can’t” or “Doing that exercise didn’t hurt when I was young, now I am too old for that” are basically incorrect statements.
When we are young and “overeat or strain the body beyond its limitations” we are damaging the body. We are breaking down the function of vital organs as well as joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. We just don’t feel the abuse as much.

The Body And Quality Of Life
The Body And Quality Of Life

©Copyright – Hector Sectzer