Trial vaccine wipes out woman’s breast cancer. She was the innovation’s first human subject.
She was the first human test subject of a clinical trial for a vaccine that helps the body fight cancerous cells.
By Jisha Joseph, October 17, 2019

A Florida woman is celebrating her new lease of life after a trial vaccine successfully helped fight off breast cancer. Lee Mercker, from Jacksonville, has been through a lot in the past few months after she was diagnosed with a very early stage of breast cancer, DCIS stage zero. The news left Mercker shook as she’d been leading a healthy life and the prospect of potentially meeting her end through the deadly disease was incomprehensible. Thankfully, her life-changing decision to join a new clinical trial for a vaccine that kills off the cancer cells proved to be one that could potentially benefit countless women.
Florida Woman Recovers from Breast Cancer with Trial Vaccine: ‘I Feel Like I Walked on the Moon’
The trial vaccine, available through the Mayo Clinic, is showing positive results in patients with all stages of breast cancer.

10:26 AM – Oct 16, 2019
According to a report by Fox 35, Mercker was diagnosed with breast cancer in March this year. Speaking of her shock when she received the devastating news, she said, “I was healthy. That’s why I was mad. I was stunned, and everyone around me was madder and more stunned.” She’d always maintained a healthy, active lifestyle and had never imagined that she might one day have to fight off something so dangerous. “DCIS stage zero. I’d never heard of it. I’m an exercise fanatic, I eat right. But it just can knock on anybody’s door,” she said, speaking to WLTV.
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