It is a fact that what a person believes affects their decisions throughout their whole lives.
The perspective that people have as well as their believes and attitude play a key role in the conscious as well as the unconscious part of their brain. Such beliefs and attitudes can be learned and unlearned, programmed and reprogrammed as our lives take its turns and twists. The mind, being the controlling mechanism of our very being can either help make you a better version of yourself…or if you tread on negative thoughts, it can make you embark on the wrong path.

While your body is always the carrier of the truth for it only reacts to how it feels, your brain can often be influenced by you to make the wrong decisions. That being the case, being able to control your mindset is of outmost importance and to do that it is imperative to have good brain health. Have you ever noticed that people take vitamins, minerals and other supplements for the body but constantly forget to feed the brain healthy supplements?
Ignoring the needs of the brain as if the brain didn’t need adequate support leads to a faltering brain, with side effects such as “brain fog,” irritability, confusion, exhaustion, etc. Today fortunately a supplement for brain health has come on the market with incredible results, eliminating the common problems that come from stress and aging.
In order to achieve ANY changes in your life, you must first change your mindset. What you think about consistently will directly impact your actions and behavior. So it is particularly important to decide what it is that you want to change for the better in your life. And to do so you must make sure that your brain health is optimized with the correct supplementation.
*Purpose must be bigger than your pain*

We often associate change in our lives with pain or discomfort. Most people take the easy way out when it comes to making a substantial change by just ignoring the problem. Your purpose must be bigger than your pain. What does that mean? It means that you must first have a desire and belief that you are strong enough to change something in your life that you are not satisfied with.
To be able to have a successful constructive desire, such as losing weight, getting in shape, organize your office, clean your house, etc. you must positively influence your brain. You must take control. The brain is the central control unit of our bodies. Our brain dictates our current state of mind, it commands and creates our future. In order to have desire and strength to achieve great changes in our future, we must first start with a clear, focused, and healthy brain and keep it so throughout our lives. Every body function such as what we think, read, see, and the choices of what type of daily nutrition we choose has an impact on our brain function.

So, what is the proper first step in functional brain health? The proper first step in functional brain health is to recognize and have the desire to change a particular part of your life. Once you have the desire to change a particular part of your life, the second step is to make a decision at all costs and not fall into a negative path of abandoning your desires because you think it’s too difficult or that you don’t have the time to accomplish it now. Remember, tomorrow never comes when it refers to making changes in your life, your health or your mindset. Once the decision is made, you now must act. Yes that’s right, you must put into action the necessary steps to achieve the change or changes you want. The actions you now must take must not hinge negatively on the subject matter of the particular changes you want to see in yourself. Such changes could be a number of things including, but not limited to, your health, weight loss, fitness level, relationships, job, career, education, the list is infinite and can only be accomplished one step at a time. The first step is to make sure you have proper brain health.

Let’s go back to the to the initial fact I mentioned on of how to achieve a “change” in yourself to make you a better version of yourself. A healthy mindset. Your brain controls your mindset. The steps are as follows:
1. Desire
2. Decision
3. Action
The desire to make a decision without taking action will never end up in a positive change. What do you desire for yourself in your future? What changes could you make today that could bring about a better “you” for tomorrow? What if there was a way to help your brain and body achieve positiveness and stay that way on a daily basis? Today there’s such supplement that will help you achieve brain health and optimization. Your desire will fulfill the needed purpose with the help of the correct supplementation and make your success an exciting and painless journey.

Fitness Enthusiast, Fitness Advisor, Entrepreneur, Mother of 6 Children
Content By: Gina Pemberton
Written By: Gina Pemberton & Hector Sectzer
Edited By: © Copyright – Hector Sectzer