So you are looking to lose weight and stay healthy, but want to keep on eating the same way you have for years? That is the definition of insanity, “keeping on doing the same thing and expecting different results.”

For you to achieve good weight loss and for a lifetime keeping it off and stay healthy in the process, certain things need to change:
- Get rid of people that don’t support you
- Get rid of people that want you to stay fat to fulfill their own insecurities
- Change your eating habits no more than 10% of the time at a time. Drop your portions by 10% every few meals. It will add up and your basal metabolic rate won’t know the difference
- Don’t restrict yourself and put yourself in the guilt side of the equation
- Read ingredient labels on the foods you want to buy so you don’t eat addicting chemicals
- Get a valid support group
- Don’t listen to fat people on how to lose weight, listen to professionals
- Understand normal portion control. This is probably on the top four major factors to lose a few pounds without messing up your body.
- Stay away from sugar and bleached products
- Dump bread, starches and carbonated drinks…slowly
- Get plenty of sunlight
- Stay determined
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer