There is definitely many risks and dangers to being overweight or obese, however, to really understand the damage that your system is undergoing, here is a test for you. Weigh yourself and see how many pounds overweight you are.

Once you have establish that extra weight go to a sport and fitness store and get a set of dumbbells equaling the total amount of “extra” weight your body is currently carrying. Spend one week carrying that set of dumbbells with you wherever you go whatever you do, even to bed! To the grocery store, to the bank, to the bathroom, in the shower, to work, etc., make sure that set of dumbbells never leaves your hands no matter what you do.
You can see that if you are over 10 pounds overweight this test could be an impossibility to carry out. However, that is what you are doing on a daily basis if you are overweight anyway. Even if you were to hand those dumbbells to someone in perfect shape to carry that task for you, it would be near impossible for that person to achieve success. Every step you take when you are grossly overweight you are breaking down your system and damaging your internal organs.
WHAT DO I DO? First, make sure you have a full-size mirror in your home. Go to Walgreens or Target and get a hand mirror, about 5 inches by 5 inches. Weigh yourself once and record that weight, do not weigh yourself again. Every morning when you get up strip naked and look at your body in that full-size mirror. Turn around and use your hand mirror to look at the back of your body. Look at those trouble areas and take a detail account of how awful your body looks and what areas you would like to correct. focus and really look at your body, force your mind to absorb all of what you are looking at.

Every time you are at home and get a “mental” craving for junk food strip naked and go in front of that mirror. Ask yourself the question “where is that food going to go?”, “is that junk food worth it?”, then take a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth. Drink some water and rethink the action that you are about to take. Say to yourself “I can beat this!” “I will lose the weight!” This will make your problem real and your path to a solution more acceptable. Take care of your body if you want your body to take care of you.
Take a picture of a person that is in great shape, someone that you would like to look like. Cut off the head of the picture and put a picture of your head on their body. When you are done looking at yourself in the mirror, go to that picture and take a look at it. This will keep you in constant reality of the facts about your weight and will stop you from losing control, while motivating you to reach your desired goal.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer