Diet is a four-letter word and the first three letters spell the reason why you should never diet. So, screw “dieting.” When the term dieting pertains to the restrictive intake of a whole series of foods that provide essential nutrients to the human body for the sole effort to lose weight, one thing is clear… you’re setting yourself for, anguish and pain ultimate failure.
Being on a nutritional program to lose weight is totally different than dieting. Losing weight while eating any food you want while providing the body with the essential nutrients it needs to survive is the correct way of losing weight.

This Is Not Worth The Health Risks
Dieting will cause intense injury to your physical wellbeing and will damage your mental health. The solution to losing weight properly while keeping physical and mental wellbeing is educating yourself on what the body needs to operate, just as you know what fluids your automobile needs and where they go in your car. Once you know that, a lifestyle change needs to take place where “you only eat food.”
Let me give you the definition of food so we are all on the same page here, “Food is an item a person ingests that will provide the body with the proper nutrients for it to be able to operate safely and healthy throughout each and every day.” That eliminates ingesting excessive sugar, simple carbohydrates, coloring, bleaching, additives, preservatives, and hormones. No matter what name these additives and preservatives go under, most of them are derivatives of jet fluid, embalming fluid, antifreeze, and other harmful chemicals used to make your food taste better and prolong its shelf life.
So Eat Only Food
The hardest elements to switch from dieting to a proper nutritional program that works creating a complete lifestyle change is the fact that a person needs to educate themselves on what food really is and be able to read ingredient labels.

The main points to be successful at losing weight without dieting are”
- Eat only food (read ingredient labels to accomplish this).
- Make sure every meal contains:
- 20 % Protein
- 20 % Fat
- 60% Complex carbohydrates
- Never eat complex carbohydrates by themselves.
- Make sure that you serve yourself all the food that you want to eat in one seating on one plate. Keeping in mind that the stomach is the size of your fist, measure the food to equal the size of your fist then save the rest for your next meal.
- Do a light physical activity between 6 to 7 PM.
- Perform an activity to distract your mind without eating (watching TV, or some hobby you may have).
- Go to sleep
- Don’t weigh yourself. Measure your improvement by the way your clothing fits and how much better and less stressed you are.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer