Homegrown Vegetables
When it comes to fighting off any organism that can produce disease, the best approach is eating a balanced meal with the proper percentage of macros and making sure that you include a variety of fresh, organic vegetables for the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes they contain.

The optimum scenario would be picking the vegetables right out of your own garden without even bothering to wash them so that way you can get all the beneficial soil-based probiotics that tend to accumulate on the surface of organic vegetables (and fruits).
Good bacteria that accumulates on the surface of home grown organic vegetables can be beneficial for they’re good bacteria that supports your immune system, and as long as you are in total control of the garden and the vegetables are not sprayed with pesticides and herbicides you don’t need to worry about any dangerous chemicals.
Mushrooms help strengthen your immune system because they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, selenium, choline, antioxidants, and many other minerals.
Mushrooms also contain powerful sugars, known as Beta-glucans that are found in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, lichens, and plants, such as oats and barley. They are sometimes used as medicine, most commonly for heart disease and high cholesterol. Beta-glucans, which are well-known for their immune-enhancing properties
The algae chlorella, as one example, binds to toxins, such as mercury and other heavy metals and infectious agents, and then carries those out of your system. Chlorella contains chlorophyll which helps process more oxygen, cleanses your blood, and promotes growth and repair of tissues.

Besides keeping vampires away, garlic is incredibly beneficial to the immune system because it is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Garlic is most commonly used for conditions related to the heart and blood system, like high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia) and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
One of the most beneficial aspects about garlic is that, unlike synthetic antibiotics, bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it. For optimal immune system boosting benefits, garlic should be eaten fresh, since the active ingredient of garlic (allicin) is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves.
Foods slowly destroy your immune system
In addition to fighting bacteria your immune system also becomes activated when you eat foods to which you are intolerant or allergic to. Unfortunately in many cases when we’re starting to develop an allergy to certain foods, we start craving them and also when we unbalance the system by eating too much and too frequently a certain food, we become allergic to it.
The most common allergenic foods include peanuts, shellfish, cow’s milk, commercial wheat, and soy. Processed foods and foods produced with pesticides, hormones and coloring or not grown organically will also contribute to breaking down the immune system.
Certain foods due to their processing or the toxic environment in which the animal currently habituates carry toxic metals such as cadmium, lead, and mercury which are immunosuppressive. Pesticides and preservatives also have a harmful impact on the gastrointestinal lining, thus circumventing the immune system.
Food additives are harmful, causing damaging effects on the nutrient content of the food and depleting it of the essential nutrients the body needs. For example, sulfites (chemical compounds that contain the sulfite ion, are found naturally in a variety of food sources, including black tea, peanuts, eggs, and fermented foods. They are also used as a preservative in many foods) and can destroy the vitamin B content in foods to which they have been added, rendering these foods less beneficial to your immune system.
To support and maintain a healthy immune system, you must provide support to your body functions, especially the digestive tract. One must consume adequate organic protein, organic complex carbohydrates and organic fats, to provide your body with nutrients that support a healthy immune function and decrease intake of allergens and toxins.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer