- How Can I Tell What Is Wrong When My Body Talks to Me?

Find out where you are when the body cries out, what you were doing, your surrounding environment, the food you ingested in the last 3 days, your mental state at the time, your interaction with others, the news you watched, what you watched on TV, the financial situation, the welfare of your children, your interaction with your significant other.

This will unfold a map by which you can pinpoint the root of your problem and will allow you to fix it without medication, unless you have a medical condition for which your doctor prescribes you medicine. Take in to account the side effects and reaction of such medicine on your system.

There is nothing more controlling in a human body than the mind. It makes us achieve great accomplishments as well as deters us into a negative path.

The body has no control or say on the effects of the mind on the body, except for if you listen carefully to the body you will understand its complaints.

The body cries out through headaches, constipation, depression, fear, and a great vast number of other symptoms.

2. If I Overcome My Addiction to Junk Food, What Do I Have to Worry About Next?

Once you have conquered the addiction of junk food, then see what organic food inflames your system.

Inflammation is one of the most common results of eating junk food, food with chemicals and food that you are allergic to.

3. Does being healthy mean that I can never have things like pasta and sweets? Will the food I eat taste good when I eat healthy?

You will be able to eat pasta and sweets, however, when you eat food filled with chemicals, additives, preservatives, hormones, etc. for a long time, your body loses sensibility, pretty much as if you were to constantly eat very spicy food or very sweet food. Your taste buds get acclimated to the stimulation and soon needs more of it or a stronger dosage to be satisfied.

The body acclimates to the chemicals in your system and instead of flashing them out of your system through natural means, it now stores them in your fat cells, breaking down your body in time and causing illnesses. You will have to give your body seven to ten days for it to become sensitized again before you’ll be able to savor your food.
4. How Should I Cook My Food to Keep the Vitamins and Minerals Intact?
Cooking any food incorrectly robs the food of all its nutrients. An example is an egg. Cooked to perfection, where the yoke remains uncooked and the white of the egg is cooked, it retains all its nutrients and remains nutritious and harmless. The yoke of the egg has the greatest amount of lecithin of any food its size. Lecithin is a cholesterol emulsifier and helps flush out cholesterol in your system. The white of the egg (mostly protein, also choline, a B vitamin which is essential to the health of the liver) contains avidin, (the hungry protein) which binds the biotin in our digestive tract so that it cannot be utilized by our bodies. So if we nuke the egg by frying it, cooking it at high heat, we destroy the benefits of the yolk. Cooking the white of the egg and maintaining the yolk uncooked as in poached eggs or soft boiling an egg will make the egg a perfect food and will allow you to benefit from its health benefits.

Nuking any food as deep frying, frying, microwaving it will certainly deplete such food of all its benefits.
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