There have been some confusing, unexplained and contradictory reports on the spread and correct handling of the coronavirus spread.

Fox News reports: Contaminated cash may spread coronavirus; World Health Organization warns.”
(FOX 2) – The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to wash their hands and stop using cash if possible as the paper bills may help spread coronavirus.
WHO told the Telegraph on Tuesday that customers who use cash bills should consider using contactless payments instead as coronavirus (Covid-19) may cling to the surface of paper bills for multiple days.
FACT: We are restricted to go out. Stores and medium to small businesses have been closed down, millions of people are forced to file for unemployment and now cash is no good? Doesn’t hand sanitizer work on US currency? Can’t money be washed to remove germs? Has the WHO had any documentation of how many people have been affected through currency with the coronavirus?
Have a lot of people been infected through handling money?
Doesn’t the virus also cling on to plastic, metal, glass and paper? Then how would we be protected when we buy groceries? Do we really know if the manufacturers and growers of food are carrying preventive measures against the coronavirus before food gets to the supermarkets? Can we be reassured that those handling the receiving and stocking of food products in supermarkets are taking precautions against the spread of the virus?
CONCLUSION: Bottom line staying healthy and protecting ourselves is strictly OUR responsibility. There have been so many contradictory reports on this whole pandemic that people are more and more confused with each report.
- We are told not to leave the house for any reason, unless you have a reason to leave the house, then you can leave the house.
- All stores must remain closed, unless they need to stay open.
- This virus is deadly, but don’t be afraid of it. It can only kill people that are vulnerable and also those who are not vulnerable.
- We should stay locked down until the virus stops infecting people, but it will only stop infecting people once enough of us get infected so we can build immunity. So its very important that we get infected and that you should not get infected.

- You should not go to the doctor or the hospital unless you have to go there or don’t if you are too sick to go there.
- This virus has no affect on children except on those children which it affects.
- This virus only affects the old, the weak, the compromised and those who are around the old the sick and the compromised.
- This virus remains on surfaces for 2 hours, or 4 hours or 3 days. It really remains on money surfaces, so don’t use money, use something else, like credit cards, that you can’t pay off because you are forced into unemployment.
- This virus needs a cold environment, or a damp environment that is warm and dry. It needs air and doesn’t like extreme heat, but it’s ok with regular heat.
- Masks are useless against the virus but must be worn in case that is not a fact in all cases.
- Gloves are useless against the virus, but they are good to wear in case of coming in contact with the virus, so the germs stay on the gloves as you touch your clothing, your car, your wallet, your groceries, etc.
- Stay home but it is important to go outside for your mental health.
- Wear gloves, but maybe not because the virus lives longer on non-porous material.
Last month, both China and Korea began disinfecting and isolating used banknotes as part of their efforts to stop the spread of the virus.
Officials used ultraviolet light or high temperatures to sterilize the bills, then sealed them for 14days, before releasing them back into circulation.
It’s not known exactly how long the coronavirus can survive outside the human body but it’s believed they can survive on inanimate objects for up to nine days at room temperature.
Money, similar to things like doorknobs, handrails, phones, and credit cards, can carry the bacteria or viruses. So, in the end, just wash your hands.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer