Most people engage in pointing the finger at those who are openly addicted to illegal drugs, or those who are addicted to several kinds of doctor prescribed drugs. However there’s another far more damaging addiction and that is the consumption of foods that have been processed and combined with “altered” substances. These foods carry refined sugar and flour, additives, preservatives, and fillers. Additionally, they may have pesticide and chemical residues. (see “A Closer Look at Reform Priorities for the FDA”).

This type of addiction is so lethal because it is introduced to the body as a “slow” poisoning habit. No one sees eating these products as an addiction or even a problem. In most cases people comment “well, I work hard, I have to reward myself” or “I don’t eat it that often” and “A little bit won’t harm me”. Those people are never caught saying “I’m a little bit pregnant”, or “I’m a little bit gay”. Bottom line you either are or you are not, it will either hurt you or not.

Products that carry refined sugar and flour, additives, preservatives, and fillers stay in your system, causing a cumulative negative effect on your body. Eventually the body breaks down and ceases to respond at peak performance.
A person doesn’t become old and ill by a certain biological age; it is the unsuspected abuse that we subject ourselves to that causes unwanted accelerated aging in most of us. This kind of abuse is detrimental in every “machine”, manmade or not, biological or mechanical. When it comes to our automobile care and maintenance, we don’t put water in our gasoline tank or dirt in the oil once in a while, because we understand the repercussions. Since the body is more forgiving than any manmade machine, we accept the abuse in exchange for “instant gratification”. Even for those that know better, the fact that we do not experience any immediate harm allows us to rationalize away the harm caused by our incorrect eating habits. We “lie to ourselves”, ignoring any future repercussions.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer