Vitamin A Uses and Side effects

Vitamin A Uses and Side effects
Vitamin A Uses and Side effects

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is mostly thought of by people to be used for the proper development and functioning of our eyes. However Vitamin A is also essential for the immune system, the skin, and several other parts of our body. People can find vitamin A in fruits, vegetables, eggs, whole milk, butter, meat, and oily saltwater fish.

Vitamin A is mostly thought of by people to be used for the proper development and functioning of our eyes.
Vitamin A Can Be A Great Help With Stress

Nonetheless due to the current condition in which most foods are chemically processed today, the chances of getting enough vitamin A through our foods has been greatly reduced. Additionally for those that are under a great deal of stress, or those that are highly active in sports or athletics, a good supplementation of vitamin A would be proper. I must mention that through my research I have found many doctors have stated that those that are in the later years should stay away from vitamin A for it can Increase the chances getting cataracts.

Nonetheless due to the current condition in which most foods are chemically processed today, the chances of getting enough vitamin A through our foods has been greatly reduced
Vitamin A is Found In Fruits and Vegetables

Vitamin A deficiency is likely to occur in people with protein deficiency, diabetes, over-active thyroid, fever, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, or inherited disorders.

One of the issues with a lot of people is that they believe that more is better. When it comes to almost anything, having more of what is prescribed or good for you can cause adverse reactions in the system.  Vitamin A has been found to be probably safe when taken by mouth in doses no greater than 10,000 units or 3000 micrograms daily.  Several research has suggested that higher doses of vitamin A may increase the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture specially with older people, and those who eat foods fortified with vitamin A.   People on a diet comprised of lots of fruits and vegetables usually don’t need vitamin A supplements or multivitamins that contain vitamin A , however we must be careful that the food that we eat is organic and not chemically processed.

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