The interesting fact about today’s society is that for the past 64 years since The President’s Council on Youth Fitness that was founded on July 16, 1956, to encourage American children, and changed in name in 1963 by President Kennedy to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness to reflect its role to serve all Americans, the population has been getting fatter and fatter and more and more obese.
Since that time hundreds of new exercise programs have hit the market, the Hula Hoop, the Trim Twist, Jazzercise, weightlifting, Kettle Bell Workouts, Aerobics, yoga, Pilates, Low and Moderate Intensity Workouts, High Intensity Interval Training, Cardio Boxing, Tae Bo, Street dance, Zumba, Cross Training, etc., to name a few, however the average weight of the population has doubled since then.
So Why Should You Exercise Then?
Because there are several benefits to regular physical activity:
1. Exercise controls weight
2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseasesExercise improves modo
3. Exercise boosts energy
4. Exercise promotes better sleep
5. Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life
6. Exercise can be fun … and social!

So if all those benefits exist and are the end result of exercise, why is our society so fat…obese?
The biggest problem with today’s obesity, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, ADHD, etc., is that our foods have become toxic with addicting chemicals and added sugar and in the process we are building a sick society where food manufacturers and drug companies can exploit to become wealthy beyond their dreams. So if you want the benefits of exercising, start in the kitchen.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer