Pushups, How to do the Pyrasetting and the Cardiomuscular Systems

5 main benefits of pushups

How to do the Pyrasetting and the Cardiomuscular Systems with Pushups:

  1. Do as many regular push-ups as you can in a one minute period.
  2. If you still have time left continue with wide GRIP push-ups.
  3. Then continue without stopping doing knee push-ups


Regular PushUp
Regular PushUp

We see the traditional posture to perform the classic PushUps


Wide Angle PushUp
Wide Angle PushUp

Please note the wider position of the arms right from the starting position.

Please note the wider position of the arms right from the starting position.


Knee PushUps
Perfecgt position for Knee Push-Ups
Knee PushUps
Method Knee PushUps

NOTE: keep your back as straight as possible while doing any push-ups, avoid doing baby push-ups.

Cardiomuscular with Pushups
Cardiomuscular Systems with Pushups

Here 5 main benefits of pushups

  1. The push-ups can specifically target the chest, triceps or shoulder to increase the mass or strength of the muscles.
  2. There are many variations of exercise (such as flexion, handstand, explosives, and gymnastic push-ups) to ensure that they emphasize different athletic qualities.
  3. You can add weight to the push-ups easily with a backpack or a heavy vest to maintain a progressive overload.
  4. They are a composite movement that involves all the major muscle groups
  5. The push-ups can be done anywhere, at any time, without the need for an expensive gym membership.

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