The life of an athlete at their peak level of fitness is a short one riddled with major injuries, that plague them throughout their lifetime.

The Fitness Program that you should engage in should not be a destructive exercise program but one that will help you avoid a lifetime of pain and injury. Working out like a professional athlete will not necessarily give you an athlete’s body, but it will certainly give you pain and injury that accompanies such workouts.
Some supplementations are needed when you exert yourself through your workouts. Not everyone needs the same supplementation, and the correct fitness Program should teach you how to identify what works for you and when you need to change that particular supplement.
Vitamins don’t work if you use them improperly; actually nothing works if used improperly so you must educate yourself on proper usage and realistic expectations.
The healthy for you company has developed a program called the F.I.T. ™ Program that will allow participants to achieve their goals while eating any food that they want. Under your current condition and physical ability you crave and eat certain foods. Under the F.I.T. ™ type of training your likes and dislikes as well as your cravings will change, and that is what you will satisfy, the food your body desires, not what your mind fantasizes.

Ninety percent of all cravings are psychological and can be corrected by getting a realistic understanding of why they occur. Coincidentally, ninety percent of all workouts are psychological as well, so you need to put your mind to it when it comes to a complete fitness and nutrition program. If you put your mind and concentration into your fitness and nutritional program you will get unbelievable results.
Anyone that tells you that you need more than a 15-minute workout has not been exposed to the F.I.T.™ Fitness Program designed for longevity and wellbeing. Most people erroneously believe that spending a lot of time at the gym will get them long lasting results and the minute one quits their whole body turns to fat.
The fact remains that no one needs to spend a lot of time at the gym and no one needs to quit anymore that one would quit maintaining their automobile. If you don’t ever have 15 minutes for yourself, your health and wellbeing, you are heading on a path of illness and destruction.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer