“If a woman doesn’t have high blood pressure or heart disease, and is not obese, she may not be feeling the pressure to get moving,” says Dr. Frates. “But there are a lot of great reasons to make exercise part of your life.” Rather than focus on the specter of some potential disease that may or may not affect you down the road, focus on what exercise will do for your real-life goals, for yourself and your family. “For example, many people want to be able to take care of their grandkids while they are still active and moving,” says Dr. Frates.
One of the biggest issues in relationships that end up breaking up other than financial is one of the two gets so fat and out of shape that they are definitely not the person that their mate fell in love with years ago.
A lot of men don’t want their women to be too attractive because of self-insecurity and fear that other men will find her attractive and she’ll leave. To be fair on this, the opposite is also true of women whose husbands lose weight and become attractive to others.
The motivation to stay in shape has to be one that deeply in your heart you desire. Don’t live to become the expectations of someone else. Don’t fall under the dominance of others that want to see you fail and depressed for their own fulfillment.

Whatever your motivation is, your kids, your grandkids, to be a model, to feel healthier, to accomplish a goal, etc., it will only work if you do it for yourself and not for others or for a special occasion. Losing weight for an upcoming wedding, losing weight because you just met someone you feel is Mr. right, losing weight because you want to make others jealous, losing weight to win a bet, etc., are not healthy reasons or reasons that will cause that weight to stay off. Change your lifestyle, do it for you.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer