Smoking and Drinking to Live Till You’re 90

Smoking and Drinking to Live Till You’re 90
Smoking and Drinking to Live Till You’re 90
Many People Believe That Because Their Grandfather or Some Other Family Member Drank Like A Fish, Smoked Like A Chimney, And Partied Like a Wild Animal
Don’t rely on someone else’s strong physical attributes to measure the outcome of your health.

Many People Believe That Because Their Grandfather or Some Other Family Member Drank Like A Fish, Smoked Like A Chimney, And Partied Like a Wild Animal and Lived To 90 Years Old, They Should Not Worry About Eating Healthy, Not Smoke or Drink Alcohol.

While it’s true that some people genetically are able to ward off illnesses and live a long life, that is not the case with everyone. Some people are genetically as strong as a Mack truck and some as weak as a Yugo.

However, since we are not in the body of those people that lived recklessly and reached 90 years old, we don’t know the quality of life those people had. If there’s something worse than dying young is living a long life riddled with pain and agony, angry, inwardly depressed, bitter and mentally disheartened.

 Since no one knows when our time to die will come, the idea is to have the best quality of life possible
Being active should be fun.

Since no one knows when our time to die will come, the idea is to have the best quality of life possible, so we can enjoy our lives without spending half of it in hospitals or incapacitated. There’re people at 90 that can do things that 60 year old’s can’t, and that is what we should strive for.

Take care of your health so no one has to take care of you when you are old.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer