I’m Really Fat but My Face is Pretty

I’m Really Fat but My Face is Pretty
I’m Really Fat but My Face is Pretty

The media has sold a great number of the population on the statement that “fat is beautiful.”

Let me explain how this whole thing started.  First the food manufacturers decided that since the addicting chemicals in cigarettes worked so well at getting the vast of the population addicted to cigarettes past the point of any rational thinking and making millions end in a life of pain and ultimate horrible death, another avenue to use the same strategy was needed since the cigarette era was coming to an end.

So Why Not Put Poison in Our foods

What could have been better than food???  Everyone eats food because it is a necessity of life, but to get the consumer to buy the big manufacturer’s products instead of the competition, addicting chemicals would have to be introduced into the food…and so it was done.

Since chemically manufactured foods entered our daily nutrition, 65% of the population has become fat or obese and very, very sick.  Fat is not beautiful; fat is a sign of illness.

Everyone eats food because is a necessity of life, but to get the consumer to buy the big manufacturer’s products instead of the competition

If you are able to take care of your face, you should be able to take care of your body as well

The Media and Food Marketing Strategies Support You Failures

Getting the emotional support from the media, people continued on eating food filled with chemicals and overeating at every occasion.  It is true that just because you are fat you shouldn’t be stylish or look good in clothing.  But underneath the clothing, you have become a time bomb, riddled with aches and pains, stomach problems, diabetes, joint and aches, heart attach and stroke prone, depressed and tired.

What I Can’t See Won’t Hurt Me

To unconsciously compensate for your current condition, you have eliminated having full size mirrors in your home, you befriended people that are in the same critical condition that you are in or those that will lie to you and tell you that your extreme excess fat is beautiful.  You can be beautiful on the inside, but that is no reason to punish the outside of your body. 

To unconsciously compensate for your current condition, you have eliminated having full size mirrors in your home
We tend to befriend those in the same critical condition that we’re in

I’m a Walking Unconscious Addict

Take a minute, think…you are addicted to food and it’s not your fault, you just fell victim to food manufacturers strategy to get you addicted.  The food manufacturers are your drug dealers and like a zombie you go to the supermarket and make all the wrong choices for your health.

Strip Naked

Only you can reverse this situation by starting to eat healthy, read ingredient labels on packaged goods and every time you have an uncontrollable or unconscious craving for food, strip naked in front of that new-bought full size mirror and ask yourself…”Is this what I want?” “Is this the best I can do?” then refuse to be driven to food by your addiction and Say “no” to overeating, say “no” to junk food.  A tiny improvement daily will bring back your will power, your self-respect and your self-confidence and will strengthen your immune system so you don’t have to feel helpless on the face of any illness or viruses that you are faced with.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer