While there is definitely a “Master Craving”, there is definitely a “Master Pitfall”. Look around the house and ask yourself… is it the refrigerator that we must visit constantly until we empty it out? Is it the television, that every time we sit to watch it we must have candy, cookies, popcorn, etc.? Is it a particular food, a sweet, pasta, a hamburger, etc. that we just have to have a lot of and often.
A Master Pitfall is a place, a thing or a food that whenever we are in its presence, we have absolutely no control over its power over us. Overcoming this Pitfall could very well resolve 50% or more of your problems.

What Do I Do? First of all you need to determine what our Pitfall or Pitfalls are affecting our eating behavior. Once you isolate where you are losing control and what is making you lose control, you must devise a plan with full concentration, to avoid any type of unconscious eating around your Master Pitfall. Analyze why losing control is happening to you in your Master Pitfall and device solutions. If it is the TV, stay alert while watching TV until that mental craving occurs, then replace eating with some deep breathing, drinking water and clearing your head even if you have to go outside for a while and breathe some fresh air. If it is your refrigerator or coverts, eliminate having junk food in those places. Attack your Master Pitfall with the same aggression that it attacks you psychologically.
Learning your mental and physical behavior and understanding when your body and mind go on “automatic” and you’re no longer acting consciously is very important. Break down those daily habits that hold you prisoner to failure and keep you from achieving the success you so desperately seek.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer