17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work

17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work
17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work

1 – You eat junk and take vitamins

2 – You shop price not quality

3 – You take them without food

17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work
17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work

4 – You have them in your covert for years half filled

5 – You deplete your system of water

6 – You starve yourself

7 – You have no idea what dosage to take

8 – You replace food with vitamins

9 – You take too many vitamins without knowing what you really need

10 – You don’t follow the instructions on the label.
Vitamins are food supplements, not to be taken instead of food. Vitamins will work better if you add multi-minerals in your daily nutrition. Vitamins don’t work if you use them improperly; actually nothing works if used improperly so you must educate yourself on proper usage and realistic expectations – Hector Sectzer

11 – You store them in a hot place

17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work
17 Tips Why Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work

12 – They are expired

13 – They are blended with strange name ingredients

14 – They claim that they are the answer to all your ailments

15 – They are gummy bear vitamins

16 – They are liquid filled with sugar.

17 – They have loads of stimulants.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer