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Lack Of Correct Explanations On What To Eat Has The Population Confused, Fat, Obese And Riddled With Serious Illnesses

Lack Of Correct Explanations On What To Eat Has The Population Confused, Fat, Obese And Riddled With Serious Illnesses
  • Researchers say an increase in consumption of processed foods is partly responsible for the obesity epidemic in the United States.
  • Experts say it can be difficult for consumers, especially working parents, to avoid processed foods because of their convenience and affordability.
  • Experts urge consumers to buy minimally processed foods and to cook at home more.

Comment: The increase in consumption of processed foods is due to the consumer’s lack or education on what is “real food” and the constant advertising of foods chemically processed and enhanced through the media and proclaiming that it is healthy.

The increase in consumption of processed foods is due to the consumer’s lack or education on what is “real food’ and the constant advertising of foods chemically processed and enhanced through the media and proclaiming that it is healthy.
Bad Nutrition Will leave You Riddled With Serious Illnesses

It is obviously difficult to do anything that is good, successful and beneficial.  However laziness is a more adequate word to use here.  People are too used to a quick fix, a quick meal and immediate gratification, however they have no problem being on their cell phones, surfing through Facebook or playing silly games.  Priorities in today’s world have to be reassessed.  Health is a number one issue in anybody’s life if they ever want to be of any use to themselves, their family and friends.

It’s time to actually force the industry to change, and that means less frequent visits to fast eateries and a return to the kitchen,” Kirkpatrick added.

Experts say that although many convenience foods available are highly processed, minimally processed foods don’t necessarily equate to more work.

Comment: What is “minimally processed?” is that like being a little bit pregnant, being a part time murderer, an occasional wife beater???  Food is either processed or not! Please don’t further confuse the population by making them believe that there is such thing as almost processed, or minimally processed.  I believe you are trying to say in your article… “Just cook your food at home instead of buying junk food, deep fried food and other garbage.”  I think I got that right here.

“Convenience can be healthy, switching out minimally processed foods rather than ultra-processed foods. Eating out less and making healthier choices when you do,” Wright said.

The difference between mental or body cravings will have you shopping in the wrong supermarket isles

“For example, a grilled chicken sandwich, fruit cup, and water or low-fat milk instead of a burger, fries, and soda. Finally, making more foods at home,” she added. “This requires advance planning, some batch cooking, and taking advantage of convenience methods, such as using an Instapot or slow cooker.”

Comment: Low fat milk?  Don’t they inject cows with hormones and other chemicals to fatten them up.  Don’t those hormones and chemicals get passes on to their milk, the butter yogurt and cheese they sell in the supermarkets? I have to agree that advance planning batch cooking is essential if you are a busy person.  Food can be cooked slowly in any pot or cooking device, just cook it slow don’t nuke it.

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