Home Food Dieting Fosters Bad Fat in Your System

Dieting Fosters Bad Fat in Your System

Dieting Fosters Bad Fat in Your System

The body accumulate different types of fat. Most of us are familiar with the fat that gives you hell when you are trying to squeeze into the designer jeans, or the fat that bulges over your pants belt, or the fat that won’t allow you to get a view of the shoes you’re wearing.

The body accumulate different types of fat.
Dieting Fosters Bad Fat in Your System

But under the surface fat, there’s subcutaneous fat, the fat that is jiggly fat visible just under the skin. Subcutaneous fat is normally harmless and may even protect against some diseases.

The other fat is visceral fat, also referred to as deep belly fat, that surrounds the organs. though it is not visible from the outside, it is associated with numerous diseases.

Dieting Fosters Bad Fat in Your System

When we constantly lose and gain weight (often referred as the yo-yo syndrome) visceral fat begins to pile up around your organs. Visceral fat tissue is metabolically active, meaning it plays a role in the production of hormones that contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation in your body. As your weight swings higher and lower, again and again, the amount of visceral fat continues to climb, putting you at risk for equal or greater health problems than you would face if you never lost the weight to begin with.

Unfortunately society supports and accolade those who lose weight fast as if that constituted the correct way to become stay healthy. For that reason many plunge in the challenge to lose unwanted fat over and over, racking up major health inconsistencies and finally one or many major illnesses.

Most people lose weight and within several months gain it back plus more because of incorrect weigh loss practices and fad diets. Beware, be smart, lose weight slowly and correctly if you want to get off the yo-yo syndrome merry-go-round and start your journey towards a new successful, healthy, good looking you.

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