Home Food You Are A Slave To Your Brain

You Are A Slave To Your Brain

You Are A Slave To Your Brain

Study finds dopamine, biological clock link to snacking, overeating and obesity

Date: January 3, 2020

Source: University of Virginia

Summary: A new study finds that the pleasure center of the brain and the brain’s biological clock are linked, and that high-calorie foods — which bring pleasure — disrupt normal feeding schedules, resulting in overconsumption.

A new study finds that the pleasure center of the brain and the brain's biological clock are linked, and that high-calorie foods -- which bring pleasure -- disrupt normal feeding schedules, resulting in overconsumption.
Pleasure Eating Give the Brain Dangerous Health Signals

In a study published Thursday in the journal Current Biology, Güler and his colleagues demonstrate that the pleasure center of the brain that produces the chemical dopamine, and the brain’s separate biological clock that regulates daily physiological rhythms, are linked, and that high-calorie foods — which bring pleasure — disrupt normal feeding schedules, resulting in overconsumption.

Using mice as study models, the researchers mimicked the 24/7 availability of a high fat diet and showed that anytime snacking eventually results in obesity and related health problems.

Comment: Keeping into account the incredible power that the brain has when it comes to every function of the body, we need to learn to control how we allow our brains to be influenced by bad nutrition advertising, peer influence on bad eating habits and addicting foods offered in all supermarkets.

Chemicals and Junk Food Are the Enemies of a Healthy System

Controlling your mind when it comes to what you should eat will allow you to have better control on what outside influences will or will not affect you.  Keeping away from the addicting chemicals that are currently in the foods offered by grocery stores and shopping smart and healthy is key to weight loss and good health.  Don’t allow your mind to control the nutrition that your body needs, listen to your body, because your body doesn’t lie.

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