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More About Hydrogenated Oils

More About Hydrogenated Oils

While oil and fat are both lipids, they have different chemical structures. Fats, in hard form are always saturated and dangerous to the body, even though they can be liquefied. Liquefied saturated fat is just as dangerous as in solid form.

While oil and fat are both lipids, they have different chemical structures
An Oil is a lipid that is liquid at room temperature, such as olive oil

While one can easily tell the difference between hard fat and oils, the trick is to be able to tell the difference between oils that are saturated because they have been melted from fat and oils that are naturally unsaturated and healthy for the body. How to tell the difference between saturated fats, unsaturated oils and trans-fats is by temperature:

A “Fat” is a lipid that is solid at room temperature, such as the white fat from meat.

An “Oil” is a lipid that is liquid at room temperature, such as olive oil.

“Trans-fats” are a semi-solid at room temperature, like Crisco.

Partially hydrogenated oils and saturated fats will make you gain weight by making you consume even more fat to get the essential unsaturated fatty acids you need. However partially hydrogenated fats not only produce disease over long term, but they interfere with the body’s ability to ingest and utilize the good fats, or unsaturated fats.

…you will find that foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, additives, preservatives, fillers, dyes and who knows what else are not made for human consumption.

Your Metabolism Slows…

A Fat is a lipid that is solid at room temperature, such as the white fat from meat

Most partially hydrogenated oil is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. Soybean oil depresses the thyroid, which lowers your energy levels, makes you lethargic, makes you feel less like exercising, and its consumption continues to make you fatter.

While soybeans have been used for centuries in the Orient, they have been used mostly as the basis for soy sauce and tofu. Asians didn’t have soy milk, soy burgers, or a large variety of other soy products or combinations of soy products.

Most of all, they never used concentrated essence of soybean in the form of soybean oil. And they didn’t hydrogenate it, and they didn’t use it in every food product they could find for revenue increasing purposes.

Hydrogenated oil is lethal…Why the use of a lethal substance? … Because it’s not illegal.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer

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