Home Health Benefits and Side Effects of L- Glutamine (Amino Acid)

Benefits and Side Effects of L- Glutamine (Amino Acid)

Benefits and Side Effects of L- Glutamine (Amino Acid)

As with most of the other amino acids L-glutamine, a non-essential amino acid is a building block for proteins and is found naturally in the body. L-glutamine is often used for quicker recovery after working out, to improve nutrition, to recover from injuries, surgery, burns, radiation, and chemotherapy.

As with most of the other amino acids L-glutamine, a non-essential amino acid is a building block for proteins and is found naturally in the body.
L-glutamine is often used for quicker recovery after surgery

L-glutamine is the most plentiful free amino acid in the body and is produced in the muscles and distributed by the blood to the organs as they need it.  Research suggests that L-glutamine might help the immune system, gut function, and other essential processes in the body specially under stressful situations. L-glutamine is essential for the production of other chemicals in the body such as other amino acids and the production of glucose.

Nitrogen is a necessary element for the repair of wounds, after surgery or traumatic injury, and L-glutamine accounts for one third of that nitrogen.   During stressful situations and strenuous workouts, the body tends to use more glutamine than the muscles can make, taking L-glutamine at times like this might help restore the glutamine your body needs.

Among the many benefits of L-glutamine is that it is an FDA approved prescription drug for sickle cell disease. The following possible positive effects of glutamine are: it reduces their risk of severe infections through burns keeping bacteria from moving out of the intestines and affecting the rest of the body, better absorption of food for those with HIV/AIDS, faster recovery after surgery, and prevention of hospital acquired infections after surgery.

L-glutamine is often used for quicker recovery from injuries

While many attributes are given to glutamine, some of the following effects have not been clinically proven, such as improved athletic performance, growth and development in premature infants, diarrhea prevention caused by radiation, and strength improvement in children with muscular dystrophy.

When taking by mouth glutamine seems to be likely safe. The best dosages for adults are dosages of 240 grams daily. Some side effects can occur and are usually mild including dizziness, heartburn, and stomach pain. Make sure that you take glutamine with your foods to avoid those side effects.

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