Home Fitness Why You Shouldn’t Eliminate All Carbohydrates From Your Daily Nutrition

Why You Shouldn’t Eliminate All Carbohydrates From Your Daily Nutrition

Why You Shouldn’t Eliminate All Carbohydrates From Your Daily Nutrition
Refined carbohydrates which are absorbed in the upper intestinal tract to increase risk for obesity and diabetes

A study from Switzerland shows that there’s several types of carbohydrates, amongst those:

  1. Refined carbohydrates which are absorbed in the upper intestinal tract to increase risk for obesity and diabetes, and…
  2.  Slowly digested or non-absorbable carbohydrates that are absorbed in the colon and help to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.

You don’t have to avoid all carbohydrates to lose weight.  A study in Switzerland shows that you need to avoid only the carbohydrates that cause a high rise in blood sugar after you eat them.  These carbohydrates call out insulin to make you hungry.  Carbohydrates are single sugars and chains of sugars.

Only single sugars can be absorbed.  So the carbohydrates that can be easily broken down to single sugars are absorbed very rapidly to cause a high rise in blood sugar, (refined sugar, cakes, ice cream, donuts) which increases your risk for obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, and strokes.

Other types of carbohydrates include:

  • Fiber and non-absorbable starches that are not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, so they pass to the colon where bacteria ferments them into fatty acids that can be absorbed. 
  • These fatty acids help to heal the lining of the colon and help to prevent colon cancer.  They are absorbed into the bloodstream from the colon and travel to the liver where they help to prevent heart attacks by blocking the synthesis of cholesterol.  So the idea is to increase your intake of fiber and non-absorbable starches.
  • Non-absorbable starches are found in whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts and many vegetables.  You must limit the intake of sugar-added foods, fruit juices, bakery products, and pastas and eliminate all food that contains simple sugars and chemicals.

*Effect of diets high or low in unavailable and slowly digestible carbohydrates on the pattern of 24-h substrate oxidation and feelings of hunger in humans.  A Sparti, H Milon, V DiVetta, P Schneiter, L Tappy, E Jequier, Y Schutz.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000, Vol 72, Iss 6, pp 1461

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