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Thin Outside Fat inside

Thin Outside Fat inside

Unfortunately, most of the population is “hooked on the look” and will do anything to achieve a sexy lean body.  However there are some people that can eat tons of food and never get fat.  We refer to those individuals as “the lucky ones.” 

However if we look a little deeper into how lucky these individuals really are, we might find that they are actually somewhat cursed.  Just like those with Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) that initially might feel lucky that they never feel pain but quickly find out the danger of their condition, those that don’t show the damages of overeating or even eating loads of junk food on the outside are running against major health issues.

Thin doesn’t necessarily mean healthy, mind the fat inside – The Economic Times

However if we look a little deeper into how lucky these individuals really are
Some people don’t show their excessive fat because it’s entrapped on the inside of the body

Thin doesn’t necessarily mean healthy, mind the fat inside

Often the fat gets deposited around organs instead of under the skin.

By Dr Sujay Prasad

“She is thin. She is fit”. This is a misconception most of us have. Being thin doesn’t necessarily mean being fit. Most of us envy that slim girl next door, who hogs junk foods day in and day out but hardly gains weight. But it would be interesting to note that it could be purely because her fats are deposited around her organs and not under the skin that she doesn’t look fat. This is a lesser-known dangerous condition, referred to as Thin Outside Fat i
nside (TOFI).

The reason for eating healthy is not about looking good, it’s about achieving a level of health that will protect us against major illnesses and dangerous viruses.  Bad food weakens our immune system and puts us in the path of diabetes, heart disease, strokes and many more other physical and mental illnesses.

Even people who are health conscious and maintain their weight through diet, rather than exercise, are likely to have major internal fat deposits even if they look slim. Without getting clear alarming signals of visible belly fat, thin people falsely assume that they are healthy. Usually people who are fat from inside are essentially on the verge of being obese in future purely because they consume more sugary and fatty foods, doing little exercise.

Frequent physical movement in the body has an aggressive effect on visceral fat (excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation) which helps keep the body healthy and fit. Visceral fat envelops deep among the muscles and around the organs and releases certain kinds of hormones which disrupt the body’s ability to balance its energy needs.
Dr Sujay Prasad

Improper nutrition will eventually kill your health

Make the Change
What matters today is proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise to avoid unwanted fat settling down in the organs that affect our health. Regular exercise and body movement will help avoid diabetes, excess cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Whatever you do don’t look for a fast simple solution that will allow you to abuse your body and take one pill, potion or lotion and it will repair all the damage… such magical solution does not exist.

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer

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