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Sugar, Without It You Die…Too Much of It And You Live A Miserable Life

Sugar, Without It You Died…Too Much of It And You Live A Miserable Life

The Necessity of Sugar

Sugar is necessary, your body does need carbohydrates, which are broken down into sugars in your body. This sugar is essential for your body to create energy to survive. Cells in your body use sugar from starches, fruits, and sugars you eat for fuel or store it for future use.

Sugar is necessary, your body does need carbohydrates, which are broken down into sugars in your body
The good and bad behind sugar

The Danger In Sugar

Consuming too much sugar, however, raises the risk of several dangerous health problems, including obesity, depression, type 2 diabetes, increased pressure on the heart and blood vessels, and dental decay.

The American Heart Association recommends 9 teaspoons of sugar daily for men and 6 teaspoons daily for women.

Today it’s estimated that the average person consumes around 19.5 teaspoons of sugar per day, double the recommended consumption by the AHA.

Excessive sugar consumption is the root of many dangerous illnesses

Unfortunately 95% of all foods manufactured today, whether sweet or spicy contain added sugar. This is done by food manufacturers to get the consumer addicted to their products, since sugar has been proven to be 8 times more addicting than cocaine. This might not come as a surprise to you, but food manufacturers are not looking after your good health.

Eating too much sugar is like having a headache and taking a whole bottle of aspirins to make it go away. It’s like having an infection and the doctor gives you a seven-day supply of antibiotics and you take them all in one day. Does this give you an idea of the dangers of too much sugar?

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer

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