Home Fitness Training Why Is It Difficult To Build Bigger Arm Muscles?

Why Is It Difficult To Build Bigger Arm Muscles?

Why Is It Difficult To Build Bigger Arm Muscles?

Most issues associated with the inability to build bigger arm muscles are very simple.  Most people that work out concentrate on their biceps, yet the triceps are two thirds of the arm.  Lack of consistency working out as well as overtraining get poor results.  Most people that work out do one kind of bicep curl. 

Why Is It Difficult To Build Bigger Arm Muscles?
Why Is It Difficult To Build Bigger Arm Muscles?

Properly performed hammer curls, reverse curls, cable curls, preacher curls, spider curls, Zottman curls, etc. are just as important and constantly changing the type of curl you perform will give you a bigger better-rounded bicep muscle.  Properly performed triceps extensions, French curls, rope triceps pulldowns, bench dip, diamond push-ups, overhead triceps extension, skull crushers, triceps dips, etc. are important to build good firm triceps.  Once again change your exercises often and PLEASE don’t try to do all the exercises I just mentioned above all at once…that’s definitely overtraining.

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