Home Fitness Stretching The Point Where the Body Breaks Down and Workouts Are No Longer...

The Point Where the Body Breaks Down and Workouts Are No Longer Effective

The Point Where the Body Breaks Down and Workouts Are No Longer Effective

P.D.R: Point of Diminishing Returns: 

The point at which the body will no longer benefit positively from movement and tension and begins a negative spiraling effect  

The point at which the body will no longer benefit positively from movement and tension and begins a negative spiraling effect  
Extreme workouts take extensive training

So if in fact the P.D.R. for the average humans is 15 minutes, then what we must concentrate on is how to increase the P.D.R. period in our system so we can become healthier and stronger.  My articles and my Fitness book will detail how you can increase your Point of Diminishing Returns™ in a workout to as much as two hours from a mere 15 minutes. 

The P.D.R can be easily compared to aerobic endurance, except that P.D.R is the endurance for strength, which most people tend to ignore.  

In nutrition the most important factor is a simple one: 

If you are to be healthy and stay healthy “Eat Only Food”  

My books detail ALL the exercises as well as recipes for daily meals so you can sculpture and chisel your body correctly.  My books detail how to perform each daily workout, every daily exercise and then the food that you must intake.  

Avoid the dangers of extreme exercising

My books were written with simplicity in mind.  They explain the F.I.T. ™ Fitness Exercise Program and how the F.I.T System will make you aware of what you are eating so you can easily follow step by step on the right combinations of food to eat, how to work out and when to work out. 

Certain rules must be followed to accomplish success and it can be done with simple nutrition and overall fitness which will give you the right formula for Weight Loss and how to finally maintain the proper weight without problems. 

© Copyright – Hector Sectzer

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